Cal Poly is preparing to launch the world’s first moon-based float entry in 2022. The event will be held on July 20, 2022 and will be broadcast live on YouTube.
The cal poly rose float 2021 is the entry that will be made in 2022. It will go over the moon.
SAN LUIS OBISPO — A cat and a violin are aboard the Cal Poly colleges’ 2022 Tournament of Roses® Parade float, but the cow leaping over the moon will be sporting a jet pack.
The lone student-built parade float will once again ride down Pasadena’s Colorado Boulevard when the parade resumes on New Year’s Day following a one-year break due to the epidemic. The float, dubbed Stargrazers, is based on the traditional Mother Goose nursery rhyme “Hey Diddle, Diddle,” but with an engineering twist that only two polytechnic institutions with a seven-decade Rose Parade relationship could come up with.
The float is meant to represent the theme for 2022, which is “Dream. Believe. Achieve.” The 133rd Rose Parade’s theme honors the power of education to open doors, open minds, and transform lives.
We’re going to get through this together, Atascadero
The nursery rhyme playfulness is combined with the industrious environment of a college campus in Stargrazers. The audience will witness a cow leaping over a 15-foot moon, kept aloft by a jet pack constructed of metal milk cans and other agricultural items, while the float traverses the 5.5-mile parade route. Three cows, together with their coworkers — the cat, a small dog, the dish, and the spoon — are shown striving to accomplish the famous moo-n leap in the Cal Poly version of the six-line rhyme.
The cows also symbolize the float-building process, according to the teams of 20 students from each institution. Cal Poly Rose Float students have been constructing the structure to lift the 600-pound cow into the air all year while the bovine team perfects their jet-pack technology. The float also shows various phases of construction: A brown cow puts one of the jet packs to the test, while another, wearing spectacles and an apron, constructs one.
“For the last two years, our team has been working on and perfecting this design, and I believe all of our hard work has paid off,” Regina Chapuis, president of the Cal Poly team in San Luis Obispo, stated. “We prototyped various versions of this float before deciding on this final design, much as these cows are prototyping different jet packs for their big jump.”
Each year, the student float builders go through a trial-and-error process to master the animation difficulties, similar to how Learn by Doing students overcome obstacles, according to the computer engineering senior.
“Just as our cows construct their jet packs, it will take a lot of building, making errors, un-building, and re-building to get this float to appear like it does on parade day,” Avi McManus, vice president of the San Luis Obispo team, said.
According to Christopher Nares, president of the Cal Poly Pomona team, the project is a labor of passion.
Nares remarked, “This float represents our Rose Float family.” “We work hard and fall sometimes, but we always get back up and keep reaching for the sky. The float-building process presents us with so many unforeseen difficulties that it allows us to develop our problem-solving and leadership skills well beyond what many schools can provide.
“We are just starting off in our different professions and sectors as college students. It is education’s power, the ability to try, fail, and try again, that will enable us to accomplish whatever our own “over the moon” is.”
The parade’s theme for 2022 is exemplified by the construction process. Early spring, in this instance early spring of 2020, is when the students select their idea. Then came working schematics and plans, as well as estimations and measurements. Students debate feet and inches, pounds of steel, and quantities of flower blooms after refining their thoughts and images.
The Stargrazers float will include larger-than-life nursery rhyme figures with plenty of animations, and it will be covered in natural materials from head to toe.
For the last two years, the decorating team has been contemplating materials to utilize. The design and construction teams worked tirelessly to ensure that all of the cows and their companions are both realistic and structurally robust.
“All three teams have been working together across two campuses to set everything in motion so that the typical spectator will have no idea it took hundreds of volunteer hours, tons of steel, and thousands and thousands of flowers to get the float along the parade route,” McManus said.
Cal Poly will compete in the Pasadena Classic for the 73rd time in 2022. The Pasadena Classic is held annually on New Year’s Day. 700,000 people attended the 2020 parade in person, while more than 70 million people watched it on television across the globe. The parade in 2021 has been canceled because to the COVID-19 epidemic.
The float’s chassis, whose front and rear parts are connected each year in Pomona in mid-October to formally combine both the float and the teams, is a symbol of the cooperation between the two campuses. The rear chassis is being worked on by the Cal Poly team in San Luis Obispo, while the front chassis is being prepared by the Pomona crew.
Visit facebook.com/rosefloat for additional information about the Cal Poly Rose Float.
The Pasadena Tournament of Roses® is an annual sporting event held in Pasadena, California.
The Tournament of Roses is a volunteer organization that organizes America’s New Year Celebration®, which includes the Honda Rose Parade®, the Northwestern Mutual Rose Bowl Game®, and a number of other activities. The success of the 130th Rose Parade, entitled “The Melody of Life,” on Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2019, followed by the 105th Rose Bowl Game, will be driven by 935 volunteer members of the organization. Visit tournamentofroses.com for additional details.
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The rosé pool float is a new event that will be held for the first time in 2022. It is sponsored by Cal Poly Universities and will go over the moon at the Rose Float Entry.
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