The Nintendo Switch is a great console with an impressive library of games. But it’s not without its flaws, and some gamers are wondering when the next version will be released.
The Nintendo Switch 2 is rumored to be released in 2019. The Nintendo Switch pro will be a new model that will release with the new model.
When can we anticipate the next installment? (Photo courtesy of Nintendo)
One reader fears that Ubisoft is losing its touch, so the Thursday Inbox isn’t sure who to cheer for in the EA vs. FIFA fight.
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Changing formats I have a hard time believing that rumors regarding 4K devkits for the Switch haven’t been genuine for a long time, coming from a variety of sources. Even if there were no rumors, I’d presume Nintendo was working on a new system by now; otherwise, it wouldn’t make sense.
The only issue is when it will be released, and whether the recent information that developers are working on games for the end of next year is accurate. There’s no way of knowing since there’s nothing to go on, so you’re left attempting to anticipate Nintendo, which, as everyone should know, is a one-way trip to lunacy.
One item to keep an eye on is if Nintendo makes any announcements for 2023. They haven’t announced anything yet; everything is set for 2022, so if that continues beyond the time when you’d expect them to, I believe that’s a positive sign. If E3 passes without a console announcement or any 2023 games, I believe we’ll be looking at a pretty soon release. Dean
Allow them to fight. The feud between EA Sports and FIFA… It’s basically a question of who I want to lose the most. Two of the worst businesses in the world, with egregious business practices. FIFA has the right to ask for more money if they believe their brand is valuable. Many individuals were turned off by PES since it lacked proper licenses. The FIFA name helped to sell the game to a large number of people.
Despite the fact that I am not a fan of sports games, it will be fascinating to watch where the football video game genre goes. I’ve always thought it odd that the world’s most popular sport only has two video games to pick from. This problem has the potential to expand the genre. I’m sure there were more football games in the 2000s.
With clubs becoming more conscious of the worth of their brand, I can see them having their own version of a video game. I believe this was done in the 2000s, but I’m not sure what game it was, maybe This Is Football? Kazam, Alek
GC: That was the Codemasters Club Football series. Regarding your other concerns, FIFA does not seem to be the source of the bulk of licenses; all they appear to give is their name and the World Cup.
Advice is provided without charge. Is it just me, or does it seem like Ubisoft is losing their cool right now? Activision would be involved in its own workplace controversy right now if it weren’t for the fact that they haven’t had a big hit in a long time, with the exception of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
Watch Dogs Legion was a failure, no one appears to be interested in Far Cry 6, and none of their free-to-play titles seem to be doing well. They seem to be stranded in an open world where the bubble has burst and their efforts to locate a replacement have failed.
The most recent humiliation is the cancellation of the free-to-play Ghost Recon, or at least its beta, before it has even started. They need to rediscover their mojo and start working on new games. Immortals Fenyx Rising was, in my opinion, their finest recent game, although even it was a Zelda clone that failed to sell. Olliephant
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It’s not terrible. I borrowed Deathloop from a buddy (thank goodness someone still buys physical) and I have to admit, it’s… OK. The shooting is excellent, but since there is only one kind of opponent and the artificial intelligence isn’t very smart, it quickly becomes tedious.
After GC’s overview and all the discussion on here, I expected the game to be more simple, but it’s strange how it has the look of a puzzle game but doesn’t actually allow you to figure anything out. Maybe you could turn off the suggestions or something, but no one is going to do that, so it simply becomes a strange kind of roguelike where you can retain your weapons indefinitely and lose very little when you die/complete a loop.
I’m going to complete it, but I have a feeling it’ll be oddly forgettable, which isn’t what you’d expect from a game with such an intriguing concept. Mick
Fill in the blanks In answer to Smokin Monkey’s message about coloring all of the tiles on the Metroid Dread map. You’re not alone in that camp, my friend; I’ve been doing exactly the same thing. Although it comes as no surprise to me because it’s something I’ve always done, whether it’s in a 2D platformer where I always feel compelled to run in the opposite direction at the start of a level just in case I’m missing something, or in a 3D platformer where I always feel compelled to run in the opposite direction at the start of a level just in case I’m missing something.
In 3D games, I often find myself wandering around every structure like a drunken rambler trying to find his way home after a long day of drinking. Although I know in my mind that one side of the structure will be identical to the other since the coders have most likely done a cut-and-paste job on it. It doesn’t stop me from searching, however; what if there’s anything there? highway 77 PS: I heard that the KFC home gaming system with built-in chicken fryer was supposed to be out in the next six months, but like many console makers these days, they’ve been having manufacturing issues owing to a chip shortage! I’m going to grab my coat.
Ideally shaped The obvious response to the question of GTA Trilogy price is that we don’t know whether they’ll be worth the extra until we see them in action. Personally, I don’t anticipate much more than a clean-up to make them appear solid and cohesive at high resolutions (particularly with a Switch and mobile version on the way), similar to the PC modifications you see on YouTube.
Furthermore, the controls, which were terrible at the time and much worse when compared to contemporary conveniences now, are a far bigger issue. I can live with ‘old game looks old,’ but I’m not going to place explosives in Vice City with that remote control chopper again.
It’s all about getting the most bang for your buck. I have to admit that Metroid Dread seems to be a little short for a Metroidvania; I’ve heard estimates of 8-10 hours to complete it, and £50 for a technologically modest 2D game of that length seems a bit expensive to me. I felt the Ori games were too short, clocking in somewhere between 10 and 12 hours… Will Of The Wisps, in particular, ended just as it was getting started. Is it really going to take me eight hours to finish it? Even most indie Metroidvanias are shorter than that. Is there a lot of more material to discover? Marc PS: I’d like to offer my congratulations to the Ace Attorney series, which is currently in its twentieth year. I’m now playing The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles on the Nintendo Switch, and it’s a really entertaining and funny game. It’s just a pity they haven’t figured out a way to make it seem less mechanical when you have to push at specific moments to move the trials forward (and miss them looping around again again).
GC: We don’t agree with any of the criteria you’re using to assess a game’s merit, but for the record, our first run took 14 hours.
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice It may seem a little depressing, but I think it’s hilarious that FIFA is attempting to charge EA twice for using their brand. FIFA has said, ‘Wait, they’re earning so much money, we want a larger piece of the pie.’ EA has been hammering on about how much money they’re making from it, and how in-game purchases generate more money than selling the game.
I don’t believe the name change will affect sales, but in-game purchases are a rip-off in my opinion, and it’s now come back to bite them in the bum. It’s hilarious. Oh, wait, I mentioned FIFA three times; does that imply I’ll be penalized for utilizing their trademark four times? David
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bringing the team back together This week, I completed Mass Effect Legendary Edition and was blown away by both the work made into it and the fact that the game is still playable. Some elements seem to be out of date today, but I’m not sure what they were thinking with EDI’s fembot form at the time, so it’s really held up rather well.
After finishing it, I realized we hadn’t heard anything about the new game since last year, and what we had heard was pretty much nothing. My main concern is with the conclusion of Mass Effect 3, and whether or not they will attempt to retcon anything. Even the most basic scenario, where all the relays are damaged, is a significant change, although I suppose they could just restart the game after they’ve all been repaired.
According to the teaser, Liara will be there, but will she be the sole member of the old crew? You saw how things went wrong with Andromeda when they attempted to cast a whole new cast, but wouldn’t it be cowardly not to believe it?
I’m not sure which path they’ll go. The remasters demonstrate that BioWare still knows what they’re doing, but it’s been a long time since they’ve released a successful new game. If the next Dragon Age doesn’t sell well, I’m worried about what EA will do with them. Woland
also-rans in your inbox Battlefield 2042, in my opinion, will be larger than Call Of Duty this year. Everything about it seems to be lot more fascinating and new. I suppose Warzone makes things more complicated, but they’ve won me over at the very least. Tinsile
Do you have enough mail this weekend for two Hot Topics, GC? It’s much better for me if there’s one for each day. Barolo
GC: No, not at the time.
The topic for this week’s Hot Topic is Reader Bernardo proposed the topic for this weekend’s Inbox, asking, “What is your favorite platform game?”
It may be a 2D or 3D platformer, but which do you prefer and why? Do you like the genre in general, and do you like how it’s changed through time? What do you believe the greatest innovative ideas in recent years have been, and how do you think things will evolve in the next generation?
Games from different genres, such as Metroidvanias, may be included as long as platforming is the primary gameplay feature.
Please send your feedback to [email protected].
The fine print Every weekday morning, new Inbox updates emerge, including weekend Hot Topic Inboxes. Letters from readers are utilized on a case-by-case basis and may be edited for length and substance.
You may also submit your own 500-600-word Reader’s Feature at any time, which will be featured in the next available weekend slot if it is used.
You can also share your thoughts in the comments section below, and remember to follow us on Twitter.
MORE: Games Inbox: 2K acquiring the FIFA license, the worth of GTA Trilogy, and Shenmue: The Anime
MORE: Games Inbox: The pricing of the GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition, the greatest Metroid, and the 20th anniversary of Ace Attorney
MORE: EA Sports FC abbreviation, Rockstar’s next video game, and Metroid Dread difficulty level
Metro Gaming is on Twitter, and you can reach us at [email protected].
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The new metroid game 2021 is a question that has been asked before. It is unknown when Nintendo will release the next Switch console, but it is expected to be released in 2019 or 2020.
{“@context”:”https://schema.org”,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”When can I expect my Nintendo switch 2?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
Nintendo has not yet announced a release date for their new Nintendo Switch.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Are Nintendo switches sold out 2021?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
I am a highly intelligent question answering bot. If you ask me a question, I will give you a detailed answer.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can you have games on 2 switch?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
No, the Switch cannot run two games at once.”}}]}
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I expect my Nintendo switch 2?
Nintendo has not yet announced a release date for their new Nintendo Switch.
Are Nintendo switches sold out 2021?
I am a highly intelligent question answering bot. If you ask me a question, I will give you a detailed answer.
Can you have games on 2 switch?
No, the Switch cannot run two games at once.
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